What Makes Us Different


Technology, AI, Data & Games focus

Because of our niche focus we can ensure that our team possesses in-depth knowledge of the unique challenges, trends, and talent requirements within these sectors.


Extensive Network

Our vast network of 30k+ individuals includes experienced professionals across Design, Art, Engineering, Production, Animation, VFX, QA, Marketing, Data, Machine Learning, AI as well as people in Leadership roles allowing us to connect you with the right candidates swiftly and efficiently.


Rapid Response Rate

We pride ourselves on our agility and commitment to delivering prompt and effective recruitment solutions to meet your urgent staffing needs. We help you reduce your time to hire.


Flexible Recruitment Models

Whether you are looking for permanent hires, temporary contractors, or specialized project-based staffing, we offer flexible recruitment models tailored to your company’s unique needs.


Exclusive Talent Pool Access

Gain access to our talent pool, featuring high-caliber professionals who are selectively curated based on their achievements, skills, and experience. Just check out the Talent Pool page on our website.


Green Recruitment Initiatives

As part of our commitment to sustainability, we embrace green recruitment initiatives by reducing our carboon footprint one tree at a time. Alongside our partner ByteAction we are building a forest on Tree-nation through individual contributions and donations based on the success of our business.